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My mind immediately goes to all that Star Wars Luke Skywalker Darth Vader Lightsaber Silhouette shirt algae and the horrendous conditions of our waterways, ponds, lakes. They need to move faster to find the cause, including getting their hands on an affected animal ASAP for testing. Sadly, it’s likely something we humans have done to affect their environment, but whatever the cause I hope it will be discovered soon, so we can figure out how to help.
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Just sayings communist wants convicting murderers, child molesters, and rapists to be able to vote in our elections. Preferably, you want the Star Wars Luke Skywalker Darth Vader Lightsaber Silhouette tshirt of the Jews and the idiot who actually called Nazis very fine people to be two different people. You may want to clue your leaders aka the Squad that they have single handily proved how wrong a party can become.
I know what Hillary, Then, Rawhide, California and NYC democrats have done to destroy America. KnowSusan Lipscomb Mar tone anyone who votes out Trump in 2020 is doing America a Huge favor. Byron Noe I prefer to vote on saving America by what he has done.
Best Star Wars Luke Skywalker Darth Vader Lightsaber Silhouette tshirt
Trump is the Star Wars Luke Skywalker Darth Vader Lightsaber Silhouette tshirt president of all time brainless racist and anyone who follows him thinks the same way don dump will not be in office 2020 just so you racist morons. I guess being militantly Dem alters your hearing and vision in addition to robbing you of common sense. Won’t call out a liar or a racist or a sexist or a bigot.
Guess I was wrong Cindy Mullen Seattle, WashIngton Lao now I know your crazy Ron Dawson my health care will only cover the Star Wars Luke Skywalker Darth Vader Lightsaber Silhouette tshirt cancer I got at a trump rally. PeaceFor the life of me, I would never be able to comprehend If one Jew voted Dem. Magi’ll take the word of a JewIsh candidate over one who has been deemed anti SemItIc In the past.
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