I’m sure the California Golf shirt included in that 97% would love your tips and advice on how to not look suspicious. That is what police have evidence about and are acting accordingly, they usually find something alarming when stopping certain types, and they are trained to spot that type.
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If poverty means that California Golf tshirt are more likely to commit this kind of crimes, you tackle that issue before the kid feels the need to pick up a knife. And obviously, being black makes you look suspicious sometimes Alan Aston You are an idiot. It’s the literal definition of racial profiling and according to our laws is ILLEGAL.
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End Above Well would it be anything to do with the California Golf tshirt that the majority of knife attacks in London are Black on Black. They do those checks for a reason. Helen Patron news flash, he was being used to pad their stats because your son looked like an easy mope who wouldn’t know his rights.
This has nothing to do with stopping knife crime, but more to do with attacking the California Golf tshirt and authorities in general. But those who believe that the police target black people for search because of their color are the ones with a separate agenda. A real sassy way to shut down any complaints by brown people about racial discrimination when you literally have no point.
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