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All I have to say is have you ever heard of an agent provocateur. She Song since your standard of real news is CCTV of course you think BBC is fake. If the I Destroy Silence Funny Drums Drumming Drummer Gift shirt needs to be applied in the situation with He, it isar more honest to put it on China. She Song of course I’ll happily believe you over an established news network, especially when you provide no evidence whatsoever. Anyone who cares about basic human and civil rights has a vested interest in the success of these protests. They are bravely serving as an example to the rest of the world that basic freedoms are worth standing up for.
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China is just asserting its sovereignty over its dominion and it is their legal and sovereign right and the I Destroy Silence Funny Drums Drumming Drummer Gift tshirt is just propaganda machine at work. People in Hong Kong were left out to dry, evacuation is their only smart recourse. Yes, Britain were pretty bad in the past, however this time around its China that’s being pretty imperialist.
Richard Kent once people live a comfortable life, they will want a lavish life this I Destroy Silence Funny Drums Drumming Drummer Gift tshirt basically what is happening now. Then you know what is a real oppression Christopher Clayton ya they have so much freedom to riots, burn police station, beat up 2 innocents tourist at airport, throwing bricks, stones, Dustbins to Police man. Richard Kent Good thinking so when you speak out against the government you can go to a forced labor camp or be black bagged.
Best I Destroy Silence Funny Drums Drumming Drummer Gift tshirt
John Sun the I Destroy Silence Funny Drums Drumming Drummer Gift tshirt one, they destroyed this bar because the boss has difference view from them Wonderful that people are fighting for their freedom and rights. This is what the protector mindset, when they find they are wrong, they just turn a blind eye on their behaviors and accusing others of St else Tells Jr. Kate Chow and police are just so peaceful to use tear gas and rubber bullets All are on the web, unlawful detention, arson, attacking police, trespassers, all of these are fake news.
Your God will punish these rioters who burn police station, beat up 2 innocents tourists badly. Hong Kong must be careful as paid terrorists types will come in to hurt people and China will use that I Destroy Silence Funny Drums Drumming Drummer Gift tshirt a reason to shoot innocent folks. Gale Meghan Encourage them like the Iraqi uprising against Adam Leon Bad I never said America was perfect. Freya Gwyn I was also born in Hong Kong camp; this is China showing what the leaders r actually like. This is beyond that and this is beyond borders and sovereignty of a country or a territory. What is truly disgusting are those people who think one’s right to protest or expressing opinion should be suppressed, tear-gassed, or heavily beaten.
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