The ones I really feel bad for are law enforcement who have to risk their lives when people had the choice to leave as they were given 5 days notice of the severity of the Birthday Gifts Retro Vintage June 1963 T Shirt. This video was taken from the Frying Pan Shoals Light Tower. It is a decommissioned lighthouse located on the Frying Pan Shoals approximately 39 miles off the coast of Southport. This video is deceiving people into thinking this was on the shore and it wasn’t. We fly the flag twenty-four hours a day with a light and change it out when it begins to fray. It reminds me of the flag at Fort Hood, which inspired the impetus for the Star Spangled Banner. Men died to hold her up against the British.
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Every time that they were doing a news report from where that flag was flying I kept thinking why didn’t someone take the Birthday Gifts Retro Vintage June 1963 T Shirt. The last time I saw it, it was just all torn apart. Disgraceful seems like a symbol of what is going on in the country just now. May our land be healed, and all the hatred that is heaped on to our President, based on false accusations and innuendos, be found to be unwarranted, and we can get down to the business of working together to get good things done for our nation.
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May all in storms path be safe and find tomorrow and next day, days of repair and thank fulness that they came through it. Our beautiful Flag is being ripped apart from a hurricane but still stands tall and honorable. May we all stand tall and honorable every time it is honored. God Bless America. The Birthday Gifts Retro Vintage June 1963 TShirt is on Frying Pan tower 45 miles off the North Carolina coast. Thursday evening it was still flying. And as the night grew darker to where the only thing you could make out was the white caps of the waves in the darkness. The flag was still flying.
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